Ewam Garden of One Thousand Buddhas Annual Drubchöd & Boddhicitta Monlam
Khenpo Ugyen Wangchuk joined Tulku Sang-Ngag Rinpoche, Namchak Khenpo and other Lamas for the 5th Annual Sangwa Yeshé Drubchöd Retreat...

Solstice Healing Chöd June 20, 2017 Brooklyn, NY
Summer Solstice Healing Chöd with Venerable Khenpo Ugyen Wangchuk When: June 20, 2017, 7:00 – 8:30 PM Where: Park Slope, Brooklyn New...

Khenpo Ugyen Wangchuk to teach in Brooklyn, NY June 17 & June 18
How to Work with the Mind through Buddhist Meditation with Venerable Khenpo Ugyen Wangchuk When: June 17 & 18, 2017, 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM...